March 6th, 2010. Jamaica Environs, New York. A 30-plus field of intrepid runners, a mix of seasoned ultra-distance, marathoners and the simply enthused, ran a marathon under the first sparkling blue sky and sun-blessed-with-a-hint-of-spring day in New York in 2010. The marathon is in commemoration of
Sri Chinmoy's first marathon in Chico, California of March 3rd, 1979 with a time of 4:31. Other members of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon team organized their own marathons in time zones around the globe. In the New York area, a number of relay teams spontaneously formed for those who wanted to share in the inspirational motivation, but not personally complete the marathon. Some started with the intent of completing a mere five miles but went on to finish a half marathon of just over 13 miles in the spirit of the run. Those that finished, on a moderately hilly course, kicked off their 2010 distance running in style.
An advocate of and practiced sprinter and distance runner himself, Sri Chinmoy often likened the sport to meditation: the discipline, endurance and the focus on a seemingly distant goal that are required for both.
Both outer running and inner running are important. A marathon is twenty-six miles. Let us say that twenty-six miles is our ultimate goal. When we first take up running, we cannot run that distance. But by practising every day we develop more stamina, speed and perseverance. Gradually we transcend our limited capacity, and eventually we reach our goal. In the inner life our prayer and meditation is our inner running. If we pray and meditate every day, we increase our inner capacity. The body's capacity and the soul's capacity, the body's speed and the soul's speed, go together. The outer running reminds us of something higher and deeper – the soul – which is running along Eternity's Road. Running and physical fitness help us both in our inner life of aspiration and in our outer life of activity. – Sri Chinmoy
When you combine meditation with distance running you experience a unique inner peace and lightness, especially as the miles go on. Steady running brings a calm to the mind, heart, vital and body that can endure for days, and can increase your meditative capacity and receptivity. But running a marathon doesn't happen over night. For training inspiration, read Seven Steps to a Successful Marathon.
There is only one perfect road
And that road is ahead of you,
Always ahead of you. – Sri Chinmoy