Jewels of Happiness

October 25th, New York, NY. The newly published book The Jewels of Happiness - Inspiration and wisdom to guide your life-journey was on view for 10,000 visitors at the 3-day event in NYC, the New Life: America's Largest Mind, Body, Soul Expo. Launched September 7th 'The Jewels of Happiness' is a treasure chest of wisdom and will be featured in workshops in Cambridge, MA and Tampa, FL this November and December.

jewels.jpgThis new compilation of Sri Chinmoy's writings brings previously unpublished works to light along with perennial favourite aphorisms, insightful prose passages and meditation guidance.

A the NYC Expo, Dr. Agraha Levine of Seattle eloquently described the keys to happiness which are found in Sri Chinmoy’s latest book in two presentions combining music and meditation.

On 17 October, the Weston Yoga studio of Weston, Florida, hosted a 2-hour workshop featuring themes from The Jewels of Happiness

How to order
Barnes and Noble
Heart-Light Distributors