First-hand experiences of meditation and spirituality.

All I needed was the Supreme, and I would always win
Pragati Pascale New York, United States
Spiritual moments with my grandmother
Patanga Cordeiro São Paulo, Brazil
An early spiritual experience
Ashrita Furman New York, United States
The day when everything began
Bhagavantee Paul Salzburg, Austria
The spiritual life is normal to me
Shankara Smith London, United Kingdom
Meeting Sri Chinmoy for the first time
Janaka Spence Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Now you are in the boat
Kaushalya Casey Toronto, Canada
Time seemed to freeze
Brahmata Michael Ottawa, Canada
A spiritual name is the name of our soul, and what we can become
Nayak Polissar Seattle, United States
The Ever-Transcending Goal
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
Meditation: Touching The Infinite
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand
A Flame in my Heart
Adesh Widmer Zurich, Switzerland
Sri Chinmoy performs on the world's largest organ
Prachar Stegemann Canberra, AustraliaSuggested videos
interviews with Sri Chinmoy's students

When I met Sri Chinmoy for the first time
Baridhi Yonchev Sofia, Bulgaria
A childhood meeting with Sri Chinmoy
Devashishu Torpy London, United Kingdom
Love, devotion and surrender
Pradhan Balter Chicago, United States
My well-scheduled day
Jayasalini Abramovskikh Moscow, Russia
A direct line to God
Vajra Henderson New York, United States
An airport meditation experience
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand