New book: Being Our Higher Selves

A new collection of Sri Chinmoy's writings was released recently, titled Being Our Higher Selves: Guide to a Fulfilling Life and compiled by Bhadra Kleinman from New York. As the title suggests, the book is themed around the ageless question: how do we live the life that brings the most satisfaction to our soul?

Over his five-decade service, which included peace meditations at the United Nations as well as talks and lectures at universities and spiritual gatherings around the world, Sri Chinmoy was asked many of the questions that we all share - how we can have lives that are fulfilling, filled with delight and love? How we can move on from the past? And how can we bring our best selves to the fore? His answers are practical and heartfelt and awaken a sense of inner possibility which is often easy to forget in our daily lives.

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