If you are interested in meditation class or any of the other activities we offer, please get in touch using this form. We will be in touch with the latest schedule for free meditation classes, races, and concerts.
For any media enquiries, please use this alternative form on Sri Chinmoy's official site.
Why can't I register online?
We have found the most reliable way to handle registration is actually by phone. Meditation is all about connecting – connecting with your own deepest self, and connecting more deeply with others. We find that the Internet, while often convenient, is somewhat impersonal. We prefer the personal approach.
We have been offering meditation classes, workshops, music festivals and fun runs for 15 years in the scenic Woodstock area. Musicians frequently visit us from the New York area to perform Sri Chinmoy's meditative music.
If you are interested in attending our meditation classes, please visit our website
A. We offer “heart center” meditation. This a method wherein we calm the mind using proven meditation techniques in order to enter the spiritual heart. It is one of the fastest ways of making spiritual progress. More …
Members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre Who Give Meditation Classes
Palash Bosgang has been studying meditation with Sri Chinmoy for almost 30 years. An avid runner and meditation teacher, Palash resides in the Woodstock area, working as a librarian at Bard College.
Sri Chinmoy in Woodstock
Sri Chinmoy meditating in Woodstock
Sri Chinmoy had a particular fondness for the Woodstock area, visiting friends numerous times in the 1960s to meditate in the surrounding mountains.
He also gave formal concerts over the years, a few of which are listed below.
April 29, 1978
Concert - Artists’ Association in Woodstock, N.Y
August 26, 1978
Meditation and Esraj performance - open field on land owned by the non-profit Creative Music Foundation, Woodstock, NY
July 5, 1980
Outdoor concert, Woodstock
July 12, 1980
Outdoor concert, Woodstock
July 26, 1980
Indoor concert, Woodstock
August 5, 1982
Concert, One-Mile race, Woodstock
June 3, 1988
Concert, Community Center, Woodstock
Inaugurated Sri Chinmoy Peace Mile at Woodstock’s Kenneth L. Wilson Public Campground (below)
The heart and soul of Woodstock
A talk by Sri Chinmoy given at the Inauguration of the Woodstock Peace Mile 3 June 1988 1
Sri Chinmoy inaugurates the Peace Mile
"A long twenty-four years ago, I came to Woodstock for the first time. Since then I have come to Woodstock many, many times. I loved the soul of Woodstock, I still love the soul of Woodstock and I shall forever and forever love the soul of Woodstock. Now I am extremely grateful to the heart and soul of Woodstock for having given me the golden opportunity to be of dedicated service to the soul, heart, mind, vital and body of Woodstock.
Peace is the only thing that we need, that the world needs desperately. Here, our devoted, dedicated and soulful service to this great community will be our act of self-offering. Fruitful is Woodstock. And we are trying to add our soulful qualities with our devoted service to this great and good community.
I have had here teeming experiences, soulful experiences, spiritual experiences, illumining experiences, fulfilling experiences. I still have very, very good friends here in Woodstock. They have been extremely kind over the years and my heart of gratitude I am offering to them.
I cannot express adequately my inner feelings. I can only say this much: O heart of Woodstock, I was extremely fond of you, I am still fond of you, and I shall always and always remain fond of you. It is here that I had the dream, the golden dream, to do something in our way of manifestation here on earth. It has taken us twenty-four years to sow the seeds of my dream-beauty. Now we shall be offering our oneness-dream, oneness-home, oneness-family, not only in Woodstock but all over the world."