First-hand experiences of meditation and spirituality.

I felt a bell ringing in my heart
Charana Evans Cardiff, Wales
Meeting Sri Chinmoy for the first time
Janaka Spence Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Learning to love songs ever more
Patanga Cordeiro São Paulo, Brazil
In the middle of an ocean of love
Bhadra Kleinman New York
Listen to the inner voice
Vidura Groulx Montreal, Canada
The day my Guru accepted me as his disciple
Banshidhar Medeiros San Juan, Puerto Rico
The day when everything began
Bhagavantee Paul Salzburg, Austria
The day I saw my Guru for the first time
Natabara Rollosson New York, United States
Muhammad Ali: I was expecting a monster, but I found a lamb
Sevananda Padilla San Juan, Puerto Rico
The spiritual life is normal to me
Shankara Smith London, United Kingdom
Spiritual moments with my grandmother
Patanga Cordeiro São Paulo, Brazil
In the Right Place, At the Right Time
Eshana Gadjanski Novi Sad, Serbia
'Christ has stolen her heart and brought it now to me'
Dodula and Gunthita Zurich, SwitzerlandSuggested videos
interviews with Sri Chinmoy's students

Things I have learnt from the spiritual life
Sanjay Rawal New York, United States
What is it like on the Peace Run?
Nikolaus Drekonja San Diego, United States
Humorous moments with Sri Chinmoy
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand
Growing up on Sri Chinmoy's path
Aruna Pohland Augsburg, Germany
'Everyone is feeling nothing but love'
Suren Leosson Reykjavik, Iceland
A direct line to God
Vajra Henderson New York, United States