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Sri Chinmoy's students describe their inner and outer experiences.

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Meeting Sri Chinmoy for the first time
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The first time we met our Guru
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The Ever-Transcending Goal
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
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Nayak Polissar Seattle, United States
Celebrating birthdays at Guru's house
Devashishu Torpy London, United Kingdom
A vision at 3 a.m in the morning
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A Quest for Happiness
Abhinabha Tangerman Amsterdam, Netherlands
Spiritual moments with my grandmother
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How meditation helped me swim the English Channel
Abhejali Bernardova Zlín, Czech Republic
Beginnings of a spiritual journey
Mahatapa Palit New York, United States
How Sri Chinmoy appreciated enthusiasm
Prachar Stegemann Canberra, Australia
Sri Chinmoy's vision of the Peace Run
Harita Davies New York, United States
Winning the Swiss Alpine Marathon
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