Free meditation classes in Manhattan

Sri Chinmoy Meditation Group - Manhattan

This group was established in 2008 in downtown Manhattan specifically for NYC residents. 4 times a year, we offer 2-day free meditation workshops in Manhattan, followed by a 4-week introduction session, and concluding with in-depth 3-month sessions. We also offer week long meditation festivals at least once a year.

We offer a modern approach to meditation, combining time-honored techniques with music, mantra and sports and the role of a teacher as well as practical tips on how to establish a daily meditation routine. Live performances of meditative music enhance these classes.

Call (212) 380-8153 for more information or  use our contact form »



Sri Chinmoy Centre class-givers

New York based instructors

Palash and Ashrita are part of our experienced class-giving team; around 10 of Sri Chinmoy's students in the NY area regularly give classes, and consider this sharing part of their own spiritual practise.

Palash Bosgang has been studying meditation with Sri Chinmoy for fifteen years. An avid runner and meditation teacher, Palash resides in the New York Woodstock area, working as librarian at Bard College. Palash is also a very talented comedic actress, and regularly entertains her fellow students of Sri Chinmoy with theatrical adaptations of ancient Indian tales.

Ashrita Furman lives in New York and has been meditating for over 40 years. In 1979, he was inspired to use the power of meditation to break Guinness World Records and now he holds more than any other individual. See more on » 


International instructors

At least once a year we invite international instructors from places as far away as New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, France as well as other cities in the USA; for example, Devashishu and Ashirvad have come to give classes in New York quite regularly.

Devashishu Torpy was born and raised in London, England and met Sri Chinmoy at an early age when his parents became students. As well as travelling to over 30 countries worldwide to give classes, Devashishu also manages the European leg of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, the world's largest peace torch relay. 

Ashirvad Zaiantchick is a native of Brazil. Soon after he became a student of Sri Chinmoy, he realised that he had a talent for communicating the art of meditation, and now travels the world doing just that. He has given free courses on meditation to thousands of people in 25 countries around the world.


AdeshMeditation Concerts

Twice a year in Manhattan - every April and August - we put on Songs of the Soul concerts; musical acts ranging from acappela singers, to Eastern instruments such as erhu, sitar, duduk, to joyful 70-member orchestral arrangements - all performing meditative music composed by Sri Chinmoy. You can view the latest dates on

We also occasionally put on Concerts of Inner Peace - a powerful experience of Sri Chinmoy's Peace Concerts. These combine large audiovisual screenings of Sri Chinmoy singing and performing on a range of instruments, along with live singing by his students (just as it would have happened in Sri Chinmoy's concerts). These usually happen in October.

Sports and the spiritual life

Sports is the perfect complement to meditation to lead a balanced life, and Sri Chinmoy encouraged us to keep fit.

We organise a lot of road events in nearby Queens: ranging from a weekly two-mile Self-Transcendence race, to a 5/10k race series in Flushing Meadow. We also organise a marathon and Swim Run in upstate New York. More on the Sri Chinmoy Marathon team site »